viernes, 7 de enero de 2011



The latest Hillsong UNITED production (studio production) it's going to be avaiable on 15.02.11 (as always for Latinamerica the launch's going to be about am month later unless it be uploaded in a online store thus we'll be able to buy it forward)

Aftermath will be a wonderful thing, new songs that reside Hillsong UNITED's style and new lyrics that display their passion for GOD,as they themselves express:

"Over the last few years, Hillsong UNITED has evolved as a band, but never lost focus of their one purpose and passion: Worship."

Here are the songs for A F T E R M A T H
-Take Heart / Animo
-Go(Giving It All) / Damos Todo
-Like an Avalanche / Como una Avalancha
-Rhythms of Grace(None Beside You)/ Sonidos de Gracia(Solo Tú)
-Aftermath / Secuela
-B.E (Interlude) / B.E (Interludio)
-Father / Padre
-Nova / Nova
-Light Will Shine / Tu Luz Brillará
-Awakening / El Despertar

Note: I try to translate songs name giving sense thus it might not be the direct translation (Rhythms of Grace=Sonidos de gracia instead ritmos de gracia)