miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

God Is Able

Enjoy these songs from God Is Able (Available from July 27th).

Comment, and subscribe to the new YouTube Channel and like on the beside box.

Rise sung by Joel Houston & the first song on CD

You Are More sung by Annie Garrant

The Lost Are Found sung by Ben Field

Unending Love

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

God Is Able

Hello people !

As we know the realasing of the Hillsong LIVE production of this current year that is called God Is Able is closer each time. It's exciting to start to see all new songs, samples, previews, etc.

Now here comes the track list & shurely the artwork.
Enjoy and like !
Don't forget like and share the blog in the right bar stuff.

Track List
1. Rise
2. With Us
3. Unending Love
4. The Lost Are Found(Click-on)
5. God Is Able
6. The Difference
7. Alive In Us
8. You Are More
9. Narrow Road
10. My Heart Is Overwhelmed(Click-on)
11. Cry Of The Broken

Remember visit and post on the blog's fb official web
Click Here

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011

God Is Able

The upcoming Hillsong Live album for this year is called

"God Is Able"
The coming-out of this album will be about July 2011.

Remeber like the blog's facebook page

Now I've got 2 songs only:

Lord Over Everything
My Heart is Overwhelmed

They're very good songs

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


Enjoy these videos from Aftermath by Hillsong UNITED

Rhythms of Grace


Wait for more...

viernes, 7 de enero de 2011



The latest Hillsong UNITED production (studio production) it's going to be avaiable on 15.02.11 (as always for Latinamerica the launch's going to be about am month later unless it be uploaded in a online store thus we'll be able to buy it forward)

Aftermath will be a wonderful thing, new songs that reside Hillsong UNITED's style and new lyrics that display their passion for GOD,as they themselves express:

"Over the last few years, Hillsong UNITED has evolved as a band, but never lost focus of their one purpose and passion: Worship."

Here are the songs for A F T E R M A T H
-Take Heart / Animo
-Go(Giving It All) / Damos Todo
-Like an Avalanche / Como una Avalancha
-Rhythms of Grace(None Beside You)/ Sonidos de Gracia(Solo Tú)
-Aftermath / Secuela
-B.E (Interlude) / B.E (Interludio)
-Father / Padre
-Nova / Nova
-Light Will Shine / Tu Luz Brillará
-Awakening / El Despertar

Note: I try to translate songs name giving sense thus it might not be the direct translation (Rhythms of Grace=Sonidos de gracia instead ritmos de gracia)